Millions gather to protest proposed tax breaks |
Walmart Stores, Inc. could be receiving huge tax breaks in 2016 as a result of a new bill being proposed that gives incentives to corporations and companies who have many employees on welfare. The hopes of the bill are to give tax breaks where they are really needed. A proponent of the bill, Dean Foray (R-TX), says that this will really help "people" like Walmart to have extra money to give raises to their impoverished staff. "The economic climate caused by President Obama has cause a lot of people to have to go on welfare. This new tax bill will help cut costs where it really matters, for large corporations that employ the majority of Americans living in poverty," Foray said in an earlier interview.
It has been said by some opponents that this new bill is focused on the wrong solution. There is no condition in the tax break that says corporations have to give their employees raises, they simply must have at least 28% of their staff currently living on welfare. Although no actual numbers have been released, Walmart Stores, Inc. has met and probably exceeded this criterion. Some others have said that this actually encourages corporations to keep more of their employees on welfare, but that's just ridiculous. No corporation could ever be that heartless. They're people, just like us.
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